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the STIB

The Brussels Public Transport Company (Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles – STIB) is an autonomous public company linked to the Brussels-Capital Region by a public service contract which establishes the respective duties and commitments of each party, every five years. The new contract, signed in 2023, covers the period 2024-2028. The Company is administered and managed by the Board of Directors, the Management Committee and the Chief Executive Officer.


A new public service contract

The public service contract sets out the roles, responsibilities, commitments and priorities of the Brussels Region and the STIB for the development of mobility in Brussels over the next five years. The 2024-2028 contract plans :

  • An 11.9% increase in service, enabling the STIB to reach 457 million journeys by 2028
  • Major investment in high-quality public transport
  • A role model for the STIB in terms of the environment, multimodality, financial management and social responsibility.

"Once again, the customer is at the heart of the new public service contract. This is essential to our mission as a public service provider. We will be able to significantly increase our offer thanks to the necessary investments in public transport. What's more, the STIB is increasingly being used as a strategic tool to achieve mobility, environmental and societal objectives. Nevertheless, STIB's three basic missions remain clear: planning and operating the service, and developing and maintaining the infrastructure".

Brieuc de Meeûs, CEO of the STIB


Management bodies

Board of Directors

Management Committee

Chief Executive Officer


Company structure


STIB’s values

STIB has defined 5 values which its employees are invited to make part of their daily professional practice:

  • Responsibility
  • Attention
  • Simplicity and discipline
  • Commitment and pride
  • Team spirit
conseil administration

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for adopting the company's budget, agreeing the annual accounts, concluding the management contract with the Region's government and controlling its proper implementation, and approving the collective labour agreements negotiated by the Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors also concludes agreements with the public authorities and contracts and agreements committing STIB for sums greater than € 2,479,000 and deals with issues not assigned to another body.

Management Committee

The Management Committee exercises senior executive powers over the company's management. It submits the operating budget to the Board of Directors and ensures its implementation. It adopts the monthly accounts, authorises borrowing and lines of credit, signs contracts which commit STIB for sums greater than € 743,680 and less than € 2,479,000, offers and accepts rental leases, decides on the acquisition or disposal of property, etc.


Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the company's day-to-day management. To that end, he implements the decisions taken by the Board of Directors and the Management Committee, he places orders and concludes contracts which commit the company for sums not exceeding € 743,680. He receives any sums owed to the company, negotiates collective labour agreements with staff representatives, etc.

A new public service contract

Numerous improvements are planned to meet this challenge. Frequencies will be increased to at least 15 minutes on all lines from 7am on weekdays and from 9am at weekends. On the metro network, increased frequencies are planned on the common section of lines 1 and 5. The maximum waiting time will be reduced to 2 minutes thanks to the increase in the number of metro trains and the new automated signalling system that is currently being rolled out. New buses, trams and metros will be introduced, while new tram lines will be built as part of the Tram Plan. The 1st will be line 10 to Neder-Over-Heembeek in the autumn of 2024.

New depots will be needed to store and maintain these vehicles. The Region is committed to facilitating the provision of building land. For its part, the STIB will pursue a strategy of circular construction and renovation of its infrastructure and buildings.

The new public service contract plans to implement numerous measures to improve the quality of transport for customers: improving commercial speed and punctuality, as well as cleanliness, comfort and multimodality. The STIB's model social role is also anchored in this agreement, with commitments by the parties to tackle the problems of homelessness and drug addiction in the stations, to make the network accessible to people with reduced mobility, to combat climate change, to improve road safety and to improve financial management.

This ambitious plan will be translated into a business plan, which will guide projects and initiatives within the STIB over the coming years.

Activity report 2023

About the STIB
